Personality profile: My name is Tyrone, I live in ENGLAND. I am a student. I was born in the early 90s when hip hop started to become popular. I think that is why my mother called my Tyrone. I have several hobbies one of them being dota. my other hobbies include creating raps about life, if you like i could send you one of my raps?. I play seriously in dota, I never have half-arsed attempts. you only have one life!!! In decision making I am unbiased and will try to solve conflicts quickly and peacefully.
Dota-career: I got into dota 2 years ago. My mum came up with wc3 and wanted me off the streets. she said she didn't like me hanging out with the people next door. I became hooked. I have played on several servers and joined several clans. GG,RGC etc, recent clan being CFTC. Led by our pro dota player clan leader: ghunthorp
Administrative experience: I have been an admin in this bot before for 2 successful months in which I stopped several spammers and potential threats.
I have excellent bnet experience and dota skills. I have a calm and collected judgement. I will help people who have been mistakenly banned. I will help those who are in need of help. I will not hesitate to go against an admins judgement if its wrong.
Why you should pick me? I have quite a bit of spare time. I can speak perfect english. I can help people. I have hidden knowledge about dota that even kings of dota can not dream about.
battlenet: tyronejenkins
I have listened to euthryox wise words, those posts were made a couple of months ago and have since matured and learnt my lesson. thank you euthroyx for showing me the way.