Your B-net nickname:1vs6
Accused User's B-net nickname:PredateurNoctis
Offence of user:bad manners
Game name:AP336
Time of Event:se olo to game
Further details:taraxopios ask for pause and he went wc and users Asei.kai PredateurNoctis made resume when taraxopios was afk..The main issue of topic is bad manners.The most important bad manners are downwords:
29:36 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): fuck your mum mister 9-7
29:38 [All] 1vs6 (Rattletrap): pro hook sf:P
29:39 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): damn nub greece
29:42 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): XD
29:44 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): not really lucker
29:49 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): my team just tard
29:52 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): they wont tank
29:57 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): so im the tank
29:59 [All] TaraxopioS (Kaldr): u are noob
30:06 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): you fuck your mum rosh failer xD
30:15 [All] PredateurNoctis (Nevermore): nubitems min 30
Upload replay/screen shot: sentinel team doesn't apear the user but he is on the chat but this is not important)