Personal Info;
Name: DRUNKtim
Age: 20
Country: Germany
Spoken languages: English; German; Spanish
Experience, playtimes and general info;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRUNKtim
Games: at ymc-bot 44 32/9 (W/L)
Former experience and/or safelisted channels: Played at IhL. VipL.
Your activity and average playtime each week: about 20 hours.
Which time of the day you usually play: afternoon till midnight.
How long you have been playing DotA: about 6o7 years.
Your ability to communicate with others: Facebook; Skype
Your ability to communicate with others: Yes
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? Doing a short break. Deep Breath and go ahead with clear thoughts!
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks): No
Final Thoughts;
Why do you want to be a warden:
I want to take the rules of league to the game. If some people wanna play together u can switch them together. I wanna help to improve the gameplay of ymc-league. And because i think the admins are doing a great job and i want to suport them.
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us:
I am a reliable person with alot bnet-experiences. I am a good referee and first taking a look at the rules instead of doing something i get told. I am fair in decissions and admit my mistakes and correct them if necesary. Furthermore i can help the admins to solve problems.
- Personality profile:
20 year old guy at 12th grade finishing the school of higher education. In my sparetime i like to play volleyball and dota. Its kinda the same cause both are teamsports. I am absolutly a teamplayer and if necessary i can take my requierments to the back if its good for the team. My weak point is that my oppinion is based on rules so if i am asked i first look at rules and sometimes it overrides my own thoughts.
- Dota-career: I started to play with my brother and his friends. Then we built up a clan and joined dl. After they finished school they stopped playing dota and from then i was joining diffrent clans where for example i met player like sogovegeta or babyknight. But the clan i realy learned dota was THEtims where DARKtim teached me how to play gave me all my mapawarness.
- Your specialities: Tbh. Its my first forum i want to be admin. I dont have alot of experiences but if i am interested in something i am learning realy fast and my work is always a good job. Further more i think this is a great work done and i would be glad if i can help and support this league by spending my time for it.
yours sincerly